Customer Portals that Build Loyalty

At Elixel, we understand that a seamless customer portal is key to happy clients and streamlined operations. Our user-centric approach delivers intuitive, secure platforms that put your customers in control.

The Challenge

In a saturated online market, customer experience is the key to loyalty. Outdated portals, confusing interfaces, and a lack of self-service options give customers a reason to jump ship to competitors who offer a better digital experience. Additionally, with rising costs and economic pressures, simply scaling back on customer service isn't a sustainable solution. A seamless customer portal offers a way to improve efficiencies and reduce costs without sacrificing the quality of support – empowering customers to resolve issues independently while still providing excellent service to those who need it.

The Elixel Solution 

We specialise in designing customer portals that address these challenges head-on:

Effortless Self-Service

Empower customers to find answers, manage their accounts, and submit requests with ease.

Streamlined Communication

Integrated messaging and support ticketing reduce email overload and improve response times.

Personalised Experiences

Tailored dashboards, equipped with relevant resources, can play a vital role in fostering trust and loyalty among users.

Data-Driven Insights

Track portal usage and customer behaviour to continuously improve the experience.

Benefits You'll Experience

As your dedicated design partners, we align with your unique challenges. Together, we'll create customised digital experiences that...

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Give customers the control and convenience they crave.

Reduced Support Costs

Free up your team by enabling customers to solve common issues themselves.

Increased Operational Efficiency

Automate tasks, streamline workflows, and improve overall productivity.

Competitive Advantage

Stand out with a customer portal that truly delivers.

Featured Case Studies

Designing award-winning health insurance platforms

View case study

Flexible Healthcare app for employees and their wellbeing

View case study

The UK's leading Security Employment Platform

View case study

How do we deliver?

We are here to meet you wherever you are at in your journey. You could be at the beginning with an idea, have some designs you need user testing or you could have delivered your first version but its just not hitting the mark and you need a team to help you work out why.

Wherever you need support our vision is always the same – a smart and useful experience for your customers that makes their lives better and as a result drives real impact for your organisation.

Research & strategy

We work with you to gain a deeper understanding of your business, problems and goals and how to best deliver a solution that will create impact

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Designing & prototyping

During this phase we get the ideas down on paper, allowing us to test assumptions, measure effectiveness and make improvements before moving onto development.

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Development & testing

We've got development covered. We're flexible with our tech stack so we can build impactful and scalable products with minimal technical debt.

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"Elixel delivered the project on time and to a high standard. They demonstrated exceptional project management and excellent communication throughout the engagement."

Lara Bennett

IT Manager

Why Elixel?

We understand the power of a well-designed customer portal, where we have seen 60% increase of active customers now utilising digital channels. Our solutions not only delivers for your customers but our in depth discovery process ensures that it is designed with a deep understanding of your business needs, driving satisfaction, loyalty, and streamlining your operations.