The Elixel summer update - July 2018

The Elixel summer update - July 2018

We're just past the 6 month mark of 2018 and oh boy has a lot happened this year already!

Gavin Jones
Gavin Jones
0 min read
July 20, 2018

It’s been another crazy and manic year for us so far here in Elixel Towers, with more than enough going on to keep us all busy and entertained. But apart from working on a whole bunch of exciting client projects over the months so far, here’s the lowdown on what else has been giving us reasons to be cheerful.

We’re growing!

Working in a small team always keeps things interesting, but growth is what Elixel is all about. So, following hot on the heels of the appointment of Office Manager, Aimee, in November last year, we’ve grown again! And the latest recruit to join our pixel-based crew is Natalia, who’s come on board as a Javascript Developer.

Starting on 4th June, Natalia’s been with us for a good few weeks now and has already made her mark on the team, and settled seamlessly in to our own brand of office chaos. In Natalia’s primary role as Javascript Developer, she’ll be supporting the project team, working on developing hybrid mobile applications for a whole range of clients.

Though she’s new to our team, Natalia’s got over three years’ experience in the tech industry behind her, working as an super-talented Web Developer. And with her skill and ability in Javascript, she’s already hit the ground running. Importantly, the addition of Natalia to the team makes Elixel a gender equal organisation. Welcome to Elixel, Natalia!

Becky’s new role

Anyone familiar with business in and around Plymouth can’t have failed to notice the impact being made by the Women In STEM Plymouth (WISP) group in the City. But if you’re not quite sure what that involves, WISP is a network created with the sole purpose of increasing gender equality within science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) and their related professions and jobs.

By publicising the achievements of women in STEM roles across Plymouth, and increasing female participation in STEM subjects through engagement with local schools, colleges, and events, WISP aims to increase gender equality in STEM.

It’s a worthy network, and we’re pleased to congratulate our Finance Director, Becky, on her new role on the WISP board as she joins them as Tech Facilitator. In her role, Becky is the driving force behind WISP’s efforts to promote the T in STEM - technology. Great work, Becky! Find out more on the WISP website.

(And just to clarify, Becky’s role on the WISP board is voluntary, so fortunately for us, she’s not leaving Elixel - we couldn’t cope without her!)

Oh, one more thing...

We didn’t make a big song and dance about it, preferring to keep it somewhat under the radar, but you might have noticed we’ve launched our new refreshed and redesigned Elixel website. It’s been a long time coming, but we finally pushed it live in the first week of June with some low-key self promotion on Twitter and Instagram.

With a bold colour palette, we’ve focused on simplicity and ease of use to help site visitors find their way around quickly. But beyond that, we’ve expanded our project portfolio so you can view the latest projects we’ve been working on, and we’ve upped our blog game too, so we’re going to be posting a lot more relevant content over the coming months. We’ve even added a handy ‘See places to park’ on our Contact page to make parking easier when you visit us!

We’re pretty happy with it and we hope you like it too - let us know what you think.

And make sure you keep checking back over the coming months too. We're working on an exciting project that involves one of our favourite childhood characters from the world's longest running children's TV show, Sooty! You can visit Sooty's new website now at to learn all about his history as he turns 70, find upcoming shows nearby and much much more.

In the meantime, if you’re looking to jump into the world of apps and you have a great idea you want to bring to life, get in touch with us today. Let us know what you’re thinking and we’ll see how we can help you.


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