Introducing Our New Elixel Shareholder With a Difference

Introducing Our New Elixel Shareholder With a Difference

When Elixel marked its 7th birthday just a few short months ago, we were pleased to celebrate in style, and with a new, major shareholder joining us.

Gavin Jones
Gavin Jones
0 min read
September 16, 2019

It’s been an incredible period of growth for Elixel over the last couple of years, and with a good, solid foundation, we’ve seen our team double in size since November 2017, including our new Head of User Experience, Rob Breeds.

But while we’re seeing more and more businesses looking to innovate and take their next step, we’re also seeing the recognition that they need help to overcome their challenges. So as we continue to drive our ambition to help organisations unleash their own potential in an ever-growing digital world, we’re pleased to welcome our new shareholder, Ed May, to the team.

Developing growth

Beyond being a shareholder, Ed’s appointment also sees him take on the role of Commercial Director.

With a proven track record in developing and growing tech businesses, Ed will be key in driving Elixel through our next wave of growth.

Ed’s key strengths are established in business integration (M&A), delivering innovative solutions for top-line business goals, and developing strategic plans to meet both short and long term key company objectives.

With experience in the IT and telecommunications industries, he’s held a number of senior roles for companies including Cintas Corporation, Daisy Group, and Azzurri Communications. And by serving many high profile clients, including GlaxoSmithKline, BAE, Barclays, and RBS, joining us at Elixel goes to demonstrate our ambition to involve enterprise-level innovators to boost productivity across the region's businesses.

And his business portfolio also includes multiple tech firms too. That gives us direct access to a 300 strong development team with an extensive skillset - from mobile app development to artificial intelligence, and robotics - which will help unlock new opportunities for our clients while giving us the experience in delivering world-leading projects.

We’re building a team of pioneers who can help businesses unlock the real opportunities that digital has to offer. As we strengthen our partnerships, no matter what opportunities our clients want to explore, we have access to the talent to make it happen without being overburdened with massive overheads.

- Gavin Jones | Elixel Managing Director

A passion for Plymouth

So now that you know a bit more about Ed’s professional background - and why he’ll be such an asset to the team - what else can we tell you?

Ed’s always had a passion for Plymouth and the West Country which is handy when one of his main pleasures in life is spending as much time on or by the sea as possible. And when on dry land, he enjoys (attempting) a round of golf or two. But the majority of limited spare time he has is spent with his family.

Partner, Hayley, manages the property portfolio and supports Ed with his various business interests, and with three children, he’s also an extremely proud Dad. His eldest daughter is in her final year of a Law degree at Cardiff Uni, while his son is in his 2nd year at college. And his youngest daughter has 2 years left at secondary school.

So combining his love of the area, his family, and working for and growing a business in an area he loves is a real privilege for him.

I’m thrilled to be joining the innovative team at Elixel. Having 20 plus years’ experience of growing numerous businesses, I’m looking forward to sharing my know-how with the team to help take Elixel to the next level. This is perfect timing to align Elixel in synergy with other complementary businesses I’m involved with, as, together, we’ll maximise the offering to our clients.

- Ed May | Shareholder and Commercial Director

Project scale-up

As you can imagine, we’re just as thrilled that Ed has joined us. After seven years of building and growing Elixel, it’s fantastic to have someone like Ed, with his skills and expertise, getting excited about what we’re doing and wanting to be a part of the journey with us.

His experience in growing businesses and working with large scale enterprises will be invaluable in helping Elixel reach its full potential. But more than that, the partnership between us and the new organisations that Ed brings with him, will help us to expand and deliver larger projects at scale.

Welcome, Ed - we’re excited to see the future unfold.


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