Laying a Solid Foundation: How to Gather Requirements for Your Digital Project

Laying a Solid Foundation: How to Gather Requirements for Your Digital Project

How do you make sure your digital product succeeds?

Gavin Jones
Gavin Jones
0 min read
September 11, 2023

In today’s digital age, companies are increasingly pressed to undergo a digital transformation. This journey can be fraught with challenges and without a clear roadmap, the entire process can quickly become overwhelming. There are many stories of projects experiencing repeated alterations, escalating costs, and seemingly chaotic development stages. The end product might eventually get delivered, but often, it’s not what was initially envisioned. Here is a short guide to set your digital project on the right path to success:

1. Objectives and Goals

The cornerstone of any digital transformation is a well-defined set of business objectives. You need to discern how success will be measured. Ask yourself: Is the goal to refine internal operations or enhance customer retention? Recognising these targets will assist in setting priorities that align with board expectations and can determine the real benefits your app will offer.

2. Understanding Your Users

This step is critical. Whether your users are team members or customers, their needs should be front and centre. Do they interact with the app directly or use the data it provides? Getting clarity on these details can significantly increase user engagement.

3. Engage and Research

Simply having an idea of user needs isn’t sufficient. Dive deep. Engage in conversations with them, understand their work processes, interactions, and daily challenges. Identifying any potential issues or process flaws at this stage can prevent future complications. You can get more insight into how to do this by reading our dedicated User Research article.

5. Mapping the Journey

Visualisation aids understanding. Using tools like digital boards or even post-it notes to visualise the user journey. This helps to create a comprehensive process map. Make sure that you identify all components, data points, and system interactions to pinpoint areas of improvement or potential pitfalls.

6. Technical Considerations

With the processes mapped, it’s crucial to identify and understand any technical constraints. Are there existing systems that the app needs to integrate with? Understanding the nature of these systems — whether they’re legacy systems, off-the-shelf, or can be replaced — is fundamental. Don’t hesitate to connect with users again to clarify any technical uncertainties.

7. Impact vs. Feasibility

With a clear picture of what’s needed, the next step is to prioritise. Compare the potential impact of each element against its feasibility. Some features might offer high impact and are relatively easy to implement, making them top priorities. Conversely, low-impact and complex features might not be worth the investment.

8. The Final Plan

With thorough research and a prioritised plan in hand, it’s time to get everyone on board to get a consensus before progressing on your digitalisation journey.

For those feeling overwhelmed by the above steps or unsure where to start, our team can offer support through every stage. From requirement gathering and design to development, we’ve got you covered. Check out our portfolio or follow our Human Powered Design Publication on for more insights and tips throughout the year.

Remember, building a successful app is a journey. But with the right guidance and approach, it can be a rewarding one.


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