Techy Terminology!

Techy Terminology!

Ever wondered what some of the words in our blogs mean?!

Aimee Pallett
Aimee Pallett
0 min read
October 12, 2018

This post differs from the rest because I think sometimes you just need an easy reference guide for the language that is tech! Below I’ve listed words I’ve come across and learnt along the way, so I hope it’s helpful.


Accelerometer - An instrument that measures movement. Your mobile device will have one of these and this is what makes it look like your background screen is moving when you tilt your phone (or helps you roll the ball into the hole in many games!)

AI - Artificial intelligence, an example of this would be a machine imitating human reaction/responses

Analytics - The analysis of data or statistics. You’d use analytics to track page visits or geolocations (refer to section G for a description of geolocations), so they are there to offer insights

Android - The operating system (refer to letter O for a description of operating system) created by Google

API - Application programming interface. API’s are a method of communication between different softwares.

AR - Augmented reality (think of Pokemon Go!) A digital layer overlaid on a real environment


B2B - Business to Business e.g. Drink supplier who supplies coffee to coffee shops

B2C - Business to Consumer e.g. a coffee shop, they provide drinks directly to individuals

B2E - Business to Employee e.g. a coffee shop that gives free drinks to their staff

Backend - Where data is stored or processed rather than the parts that are seen and directly used by the user

Browser - A program that allows you to navigate around the internet. Examples of browsers include Google Chrome, Safari


Cache - The local storage of recently accessed data on your device

Chatbot - A computer program that simulates human conversation through voice commands or text (or both)

CSS - Cascading style sheets. These describe to the browser how elements will be displayed on websites

CTA - Call to action. Encourages/compels the user to do what your business wants. For example ‘Want to be kept up to date with our latest news, subscribe here’


Domain - The identifying name for your website and any other associated services communicated via the Internet - eg email address. An example of a domain is, from which a web address would be and an email address.


eCommerce - Electronic commerce. The buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet (or electronic network)


Favicon - The icon displayed on the tab next to the address of a browser that is linked to a certain website. It can also be seen when you save a page to your favourites or look at your search history

Frontend - This is the interface a user would interact with and have access to when using a website or application


Geolocation - The geographical location of a user or user's device by receiving digital information via GPS satellites


HTML - Hypertext markup language. It is used to create web pages, more specifically the front end (refer to section F for frontend description)


iOS - The operating system created by Apple Inc for iPhones and iPads.

IoT - Internet of things. The network of devices that can connect and share data via the internet. Think of the ‘Hive’ thermostat, it can connect to your mobile device via the internet so you can control it when away from home


Java - It’s not coffee! It’s a programming language for frontend and backend software (refer to section B for description of backend)

Javascript - Not a script written by coffee! Mainly used for frontend tech, it’s a programming language used extensively on the web. It is not like and has no connection to the above ‘Java’


mCommerce - Mobile commerce. The buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet from a mobile device e.g. ordering coffee online

Metadata - Data that describes other data. For example, you would use metadata to describe your website in brief. Your metadata should describe your content and include many words that you think people would search for when looking for your services online

MR - Mixed reality. Where the real world and virtual reality combine

MVP - Minimum viable product. This stage comes after creating a prototype (refer to P for prototype description). This is a product that is developed for early adopters to test. It must have sufficient features and functionality to satisfy these users in order to obtain useful feedback on your product but doesn’t need to have the full functionality of your finished product. It will be a styled and working product but will only have a selection of your required functionalities that work to a high level. Users will be happy to use this product until you roll out all of your final functions


Open Source - Software that has been created and the original source code is made freely available for modification or redistribution depending on the associated license.

Operating System - the software that your mobile device would use (iOS or Android)


Plugin/Plug-in - A software component that adds a specific feature to already existing computer software. For example, if you can connect your emails to your inhouse CRM (customer relationship management) system so any emails sent to clients are automatically uploaded to the clients records on the CRM system

Prototype - The first ‘rough’ version of your product


Script - A term used by developers to describe the functional code

Segmentation - Selecting a group of users based on their user habits or pre selected preferences (in order to send out relevant marketing information)

SEO - Search engine optimization. The art of using data associated to your website including certain keywords and phrases to improve your ranking on search engines when someone searches the Internet to look for services in your field


UI - User interface. This refers to anything designed into an information device that a person may interact with The space where interactions between humans and machines occur. For example the frontend of an application is a UI so the user can interact with the service.

URL - Uniform resource locator. Address used to locate a specific web page on the internet. For example

UX - User experience. This covers all aspects of the end users interaction with your website or app e.g their ease of use of your app or website, the enjoyment they get from using your product


VR - Virtual reality. When you use a headset to immerse yourself into a virtual world


Web Hosting - A service that allows organisations or individuals to post a website or web app on the internet. This is provided by a web host who has the technologies and services needed for the website or web app to be viewed on the Internet. This goes hand in hand with a web server

Web Server - Software or hardware that serves content to the Internet in the form of your website or web app. This software is run on dedicated hardware and goes hand in hand with web hosting

I’ll keep adding to this as I come across words I’ve struggled with in the past in the hopes it will help others! If you want to know the meaning of something ‘techy’ why not get in touch!

Next up in the non-techy talks series: What is a minimum viable product and why is it important?


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